Peace & Justice

Call to action for the Democratic Republic of Congo

The humanitarian conditions in the conflict-ridden Kasai region of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) are rapidly deteriorating. There is a now a deepening hunger crisis and an estimated 3.2 million people are without reliable access to enough nutritious food.

Comfort women: The human face of war in Korea

War has a human face. Every shadow, every line, every wrinkle is part of the story. A PC(USA) peace delegation visited the War & Women’s Human Rights Museum during their recent visit to South Korea.

Presbyterian Peace Delegation visits No Gun Ri massacre site

War lives on in the pain of its survivors and their families long after the violence ends. Members of a Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) peace delegation saw the pain in the eyes of more than a dozen South Koreans who were forever changed by the impact of the massacre at No Gun Ri.

International peacemakers wrap up four-week visit to U.S.

The meeting room at Laws Lodge on the campus of the Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary was buzzing with groups clustered together, debriefing on the past three weeks. Most of the 15 international peacemakers gathered here for a day of conversation before heading back to their homes, an opportunity to talk about their experiences and interactions with U.S. congregations, students and communities.

International Peacemaker from Vietnam faces significant challenges

Building a church and its membership from the ground up is no small feat. Doing it in a country that persecutes members of your faith makes it doubly difficult. But the Rev. Manh Nguyen, pastor at the Evangelical Community Church in Hanoi, Vietnam, continues to grow his church despite a government that frowns upon religion in general, and Christians specifically.

International peacemaker uninvited to two high schools

An international peacemaker from Palestine recently found her invitation to speak at two Nebraska high schools revoked. Nora Carmi, a Palestinian Christian from Jerusalem, was scheduled to speak at two schools in Omaha, when school district authorities cancelled the appearances. Millard Public School officials say the decision was made after being contacted by some parents.

International Peacemaker from Mexico advocates for women’s rights

Lydia Cordero Cabrera has a difficult job. As general director for a crisis center in Mexico, she works daily with women who are facing life/death situations in their homes. The center, Casa Amiga Centro de Crisis, is located in Ciudad Juarez, Chihuahua, Mexico, across the border from El Paso, Texas.