General Assembly

A Corp Board takes care of business via Presidents Day teleconference

Meeting via teleconference on Presidents Day Monday, the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), A Corporation Board approved business items ranging from its business plan and the report it’ll make to the 224th General Assembly to protocols relating to the coronavirus — should the virus ever arrive at the Presbyterian Center in Louisville, Ky.

Baltimore Convention Center set to host thousands of Presbyterians this summer

For the time being, the Baltimore Convention Center — nearly 422,000 square feet of space and 50 meeting rooms in the heart of a thriving downtown — is mostly vacant. But beginning 128 days from Wednesday, thousands of Presbyterians will do their best to fill up the mammoth meeting facility.

A Corp Board gives initial approval to 2020 business plan, bylaw changes

A business plan for 2020 that lays out the work that the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)’s Administrative Services Group expects to complete next year and changes to the A Corp’s bylaws both received board approval on first reading during a video conference meeting held Friday.

Money matters at the A Corp board meeting

Questions and answers about finance dominated the conversation at this fall’s A Corp Board meeting, held Thursday and Friday at the Presbyterian Historical Society.

Start spreading the news

The Vision 2020 Team is using every tool and upcoming event at its disposal to remind Presbyterians that the team’s guiding statement for the denomination matches the PC(USA) acronym: God calls the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) to be Prayerful, Courageous, United, Serving and Alive.

Navigating ‘this wilderness of change’

Wrapping up its initial in-person meeting over the lunch hour Tuesday, the Moving Forward Implementation Commission set its sights ahead in the traditional way —  scheduling its next meeting, agreeing to bi-weekly video conferences and dividing its work into four subgroups.