Mission Yearbook

10 new worshiping communities receive Mission Program Grants

The Presbyterian Mission Agency recently approved 10 Mission Program Grants to a diverse range of worshiping communities. The Mission Development Resources Committee announced one $25,000 Growth Grant recipient, three $25,000 Investment Grant recipients and six $7,500 Seed Grant recipients.

Oregon church offers music and art camp for kids

Kenilworth Presbyterian Church in Portland, Oregon, held its seventh annual Music and Art Day Camp from July 16–20. Designed for children in kindergarten through third grade, the camp provides early exposure to music and art in an affordable, accessible way.

A teen’s perspective on gun control

In 2016, when I was 12 years old, I read an article about a boy half my age named King Carter who was gunned down less than a mile from my home in Miami Shores. King was walking to a convenience store to buy candy when he was killed in the crossfire between two drug-dealing gangs. After reading about his tragic story, I didn’t understand why he had to die.

South Sudanese churches asked to lead new peace initiative

The Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD), a bloc of eight nations in the horn of Africa, has invited the South Sudan Council of Churches (SSCC) to convene a South-South dialogue to strengthen the commitment to peace-building in South Sudan.

Partnership inspires creation of Presbyterian Peace Network for Korea

Soon after my wife, Hyeyoung Lee, and I began our mission co-worker assignment in South Korea, a Presbyterian elder from Cayuga-Syracuse Presbytery, Linda Russell, called to tell us that her presbytery has been maintaining a Korean Partnership Team for over a decade. Linda suggested that this team might be interested in our work as site coordinators of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)’s Young Adult Volunteer (YAV) program. We felt our excitement for the work ahead reciprocated. That began what has been a long and fruitful partnership with Cayuga-Syracuse Presbytery.

Office of Public Witness engages Presbyterians with national leaders

The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)’s Office of Public Witness (OPW) has been on the front lines of advocacy in Washington, D.C., since 1946. Since that time, the office and its partners have worked to ensure that the church’s positions on important national and international issues are communicated to those who are elected to lead the nation.

Walking together in partnership in Zambia

When the Church of Central Africa Presbyterian Synod of Zambia was established in 1984, it had four ordained ministers, 16 congregations and two presbyteries with fewer than 10,000 members.

The PC(USA) needs gender equity

The 2016 presidential electoral campaign brought up issues that were disturbing to many women. The criteria for the fitness of the female candidate for the office of president, such as comments about the clothes she wore, were standards seemingly not imposed on male candidates in the race. The comments surrounding women’s bodies were also alarming. These conversations brought up a sort of post-traumatic stress disorder for women who have experienced sexual harassment and discrimination.

‘We will be fine’

The modest little stone chapel sits on a hilltop overlooking Centro de Actividades Nacionale Iglesia Presbiteriana-Reformada (CANIP), the national camp and conference center of the Presbyterian Reformed Church in Cuba (IPRC). The scene is one of devastation.