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Mission Yearbook
More than 1,500 days. That’s how long Hilda and her 14-year-old son, Ivan, have been living in sanctuary in Austin, Texas.
The family arrived at the U.S. border from Guatemala in 2014 hoping to start a new life, but it didn’t work out that way.
The Rev. Dr. Trace Haythorn, now the CEO and executive director of the Association for Clinical Pastoral Education, learned his first pastoral care skills at the tender age of 13 after his friend died of leukemia.
The Rev. Amy Hunt is a minister of the Word and sacrament who serves in the United States Air Force as a chaplain. She began her service to the men and women of our nation as the world was confronted by a new era of war and suffering which continues to this day. The following is her recounting of how the events of 9/11 solidified God’s call in her life:
Most Americans want their churches and religious organizations to stay out of politics — most, but not all.
Maintaining that wall of separation is true for more than 6 in 10 of mainline Protestants and Catholics. But 54% of those surveyed from historic Black faith traditions told the Pew Research Center they want their churches to express their views on social and political questions.
The Presbyterian Church in Rwanda opened its Center for Training and Documentation in 1996, two years after the genocide perpetrated against the Tutsi
What’s the use of the Social Creed for the 21st Century? Yes, the Social Creed gets cited in books that deal with ecumenical social ethics, but how many read those after they leave seminary? Well, actually, Cynthia Rigby’s book “Promotion of Social Righteousness” (2010) did get broader circulation, and it reprints the Social Creed as the key illustration of what the church stands for in its social witness. Her title is one of the six “Great Ends of the Church” and it means both social justice and public integrity.
Just after New Year’s Day, before COVID-19 turned life around the world upside down, Destini Hodges and Lee Catoe of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) national office went to the annual college conference in North Carolina.
As a scientist and science lover since he was a child, Fred Hanna has always found the disconnect between science and religion to be odd, if not utterly horrifying. Once, in his early 30s, he was having a conversation about dinosaurs with a Christian who told him, “Dinosaurs aren’t real. They were made up. Science made them up.”
The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) has released “Returning to Public Worship: Theological and Practical Considerations” for congregations and leaders in the midst of making decisions about how and when to return to public worship in the wake of the COVID-19 global pandemic.
Sunday morning has become a stressful time for so many pastors who never imagined that their job would involve being an AV tech. “Hallelujah!” is the cry when the internet connection stays up and Zoom properly connects to Facebook Live. After weeks of working on this, many churches are finally thinking, “We’ve got this down.” And now that it’s working,
it’s time to go to the next step. Here’s what you need to consider.