Ministry Engagement & Support 2

Having patience and hope in hard times

For Magha Garcia, farming is how she honors her ancestors. “Everything I learned about agriculture came through my great-grandparents, grandparents and parents,” she said. “These people worked so hard, and what they were paid for their crops was so little, it makes me really sad.”

Let the rivers run

Originating high atop Elk Mountain, the Gallinas River flows southeast through upper Gallinas Canyon past Montezuma’s hot springs straight through the heart of Las Vegas, New Mexico as it courses toward the Pecos River, luring expert fishers along its winding path.  Not to mention great pastors.

These little piggies …

In preparing for this year’s wildly successful Piglet Challenge, sponsored by the Presbyterian Giving Catalog in celebration of National Pig Day on March 1, I really did my homework.

One Great Hour of Sharing gifts empower ‘the least of these’

Mama O is a wounded healer. Her moment of greatest need intersected with the critical healing and support services provided by Black Women’s Blueprint, a civil and human rights organization specifically focused on the needs of Black women and girls since 2008. At 65 years of age, she is among the eldest survivors of sexual violence in the organization. And now, she’s returning the gift.

Introducing your community to stewardship

The secret to successful fundraising for nonprofits — including the Church — is that our work is never about funds development per se, but rather about people development. A church fundraiser’s goal is not just to generate funds, but also to help in the formation of generous disciples who give out of gratitude to God because they have first received.

Keeping traditions alive

Trinity White Plume just turned 13. Like the gardens she has newly learned to plant and tend, she has also grown in unexpected and extraordinary ways.

This little piggy …

While pigs may not have had front row seats at the manger, they can do the ox and the donkey one better — they have their own national holiday.

Scarcity or abundance?

There is a growing awareness across the PC(USA) that racism and poverty are crises that must be addressed.

In search of a rubber chicken

As creative as online worship can get these days, there’s sadly no digital substitute for the clinking, clanking sound of coins in a metal pail.