World Mission

Finding a way forward in Syria

Since conflict and violence began in Syria in 2011, at least two-thirds of Christians and two-thirds of health professionals have left the country, according to the Jinishian Memorial Program (JMP), a long-time partner of World Mission and Presbyterian Disaster Assistance (PDA).

Take a (virtual) trip to Guatemala on March 24

Overlooked by most media around the world, the twin hurricanes of Eta and Iota last November devastated Guatemala, Nicaragua and Honduras, countries already struggling with the COVID-19 pandemic. The impacts of the overflowing rivers and resulting landslides brought about tremendous loss of housing and jobs and caused widespread food and clean water shortages.

COVID-19 surges in Southern Africa

After comparatively low rates of COVID-19 infection throughout most of 2020, Southern Africa experienced dramatically increased caseloads in the wake of the holiday season.

Celebrating the gifts of people of diverse sexual orientations and gender identities

To fulfill a mandate from the 223rd General Assembly (2018), Presbyterian World Mission is asking present and past employees of World Mission to participate in a survey about any experiences they may have had or witnessed with regards to sexual orientation, sexual identity, gender identity or gender expression.

A sign of life in one of the most contaminated places on the planet

La Oroya, Peru is one of the most contaminated places in the world. Poisoned by the emissions of a U.S.-owned metals smelter, nearly 1,000 miles of surrounding land is contaminated as much as four inches deep with lead, cadmium and arsenic.

Protests continue in Myanmar since Feb. 1 coup

Since the Feb. 1 military coup in Myanmar, peaceful protesters practicing non-violent civil disobedience have been met with bullets, tear gas and the fear of being dragged from their homes in the middle of the night.

Virtual chocolate tasting replaces in-person mission trip

In late January 2020, New Castle Presbytery sent a delegation to Guatemala for its annual visit with mission partners: the Association of Mam Christian Women for Development and the Protestant Center for Pastoral Studies in Central America (CEDEPCA). Delegates look forward to the yearly trip as a great way to reconnect and see God’s work in action. The presbytery has been sending a team to Guatemala for more than 30 years, as it believes building collaborative relationships are of utmost importance in addressing the root causes of poverty. 

Neo-populism fans out across Europe

The rise of neo-populism across Europe and the Church’s role in confronting it were at the heart of a webinar Thursday sponsored by World Mission’s Office of the Middle East and Europe.

Fair trade co-op lifts Indonesians out of poverty

Economic partnerships open the door for cooperation between Christians and Muslims through the House of Authentic Sense (HAS), Indonesia’s only fair trade co-op. Like many countries, Indonesia needs development projects that are designed to empower society, especially women, minorities and disabled communities.