Grants & Scholarships

Logan Ellis receives 2016 Samuel Robinson Award

When the Rev. Dr. David B. McCarthy, professor of Religion at Hastings College (Nebraska), recommended to his student, Logan Ellis, that he apply for the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)’s Samuel Robinson Award—one requirement of which is to memorize and recite the Westminster Shorter Catechism in the PC(USA)’s Book of Confessions—the college senior was game.

Presbyterian Study Grant allows Princeton seminarians to explore call to ministry

The couple, both raised in Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) congregations, met at University Ministries, a parachurch ministry at University Presbyterian Church for college students in Seattle, when they were undergraduates at the University of Washington. Dexter Kearny, a PC(USA) “preacher’s kid,” heard his call to ministry during a University Ministries-sponsored mission trip to India in the summer of 2009. Liz Kearny’s growing sense of call came into sharper focus not long after her own two-month mission experience in Palestine, subsequent college graduation, and ultimately during her internship for the same campus ministry program through which she and Dexter first met.

Friends and Family Generational Garden

By Hendrick Bossers The Friends and Family Generational Garden Project in Pittsburgh was started April 30, 2014 when Alissa, Nasim, Dante, Alg and Kathy cleared a rough 20 foot by… Read more »