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Faith & Worship
Communion was served to those attending Synod School worship on Thursday. The elements — a small round cracker and a green grape — were distributed in compostable plant starch sandwich bags.
A time for children during worship Wednesday at Synod School saw about two dozen children make pinky promises before God and the 500 or so people assembled.
“Hey,” a middle school improv class member playing the serpent in the Genesis 3 account told the Garden of Eden’s first female inhabitant during Synod School worship on Tuesday, “I see you’re interested in that tree over there.”
Closing with “Beautiful Things” by the artist Michael Gungor as performed by Synod School musicians, Monday’s worship service held in Schaller Memorial Chapel at Buena Vista University explored how Creation came about and what an act that occurred 4.5 billion years ago means for us today.
With a nod to the 29,000 or so RAGBRAI riders who’d arrived in Storm Lake, Iowa, a few hours earlier, the Rev. DeEtte Decker showed up for opening worship at the 69th Annual Synod School on a borrowed bicycle that she pedaled down the center aisle of Buena Vista University’s Schaller Memorial Chapel.
Members and friends of Lakeside Presbyterian Church in Storm Lake, Iowa, supersized the church’s welcome mat Sunday, welcoming scores of visitors attending this week’s Synod School put on annually by the Synod of Lakes and Prairies even as they prepared further hospitality to some of the 29,000 people who were bicycling into town Sunday as part of RAGBRAI, the Register’s Annual Great Bicycle Ride Across Iowa.
Two South Dakota churches yoked for the past century are set to celebrate their hundred years of ministry on Sunday with worship, food, fun and festivities.
Friends and family of Dr. Arlo Duba gathered both in person at Gunnison (Colorado) Congregational Church and online Monday to remember one of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)’s foremost authorities on worship.
During the Presbyterian Association of Musicians’ Worship & Music Conference held over the past two weeks, Dr. Jason Max Ferdinand has taken 400 already polished singers each week and worked them — worked them hard, at times — to put forth a glorious sound pleasing to the 700 or so people who gathered each week, and pleasing to God, too.
As he does frequently, the Rev. Dr. J. Herbert Nelson, II spoke a prophetic word Wednesday during the Chapel Service at the Presbyterian Center and broadcast via Zoom. Wednesday’s service at the Presbyterian Center in Louisville, Kentucky, marked the final time Nelson will preach as Stated Clerk of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.).