Disaster Response

‘If the Christian community stands up … we will see change’

Why should people of faith get involved in climate justice? “A lot of approaches to climate change have been secular, and they have failed in the Pacific,” said the Rev. James Bhagwan, General Secretary of the Pacific Conference of Churches (PCC), a group of more than 40 churches and Christian faith organizations across the Pacific Ocean. “And the question has always been asked why the climate projects there that are secular do not have the impact that people expect to have on paper?”

PDA responding to Caribbean volcano eruptions

Presbyterian Disaster Assistance (PDA) is responding to volcano eruptions on the Caribbean island of St. Vincent that the United Nations says could create a humanitarian crisis.

Story Productions adds to its story

If a Presbyterian church is interested in discussing gun violence, Presbyterian Disaster Assistance’s Story Productions has a film for that: “Trigger: The Ripple Effect of Gun Violence” (2014).

Refugee ministries: stepping out in faith

Forced to leave their homes and their countries, migrants often set out on journeys with a vague understanding of where they are headed. Refugees and asylum seekers know that even when the physical route itself is direct, their metaphorical journey is much less certain.