
User research continues for new website

A new round of user experience testing was launched on June 25 to learn how visitors to the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)’s website would navigate the site to locate the information and resources they want.

Ten films that explore the sin of structural racism

The Rev. Dr. Edward McNulty, a Presbyterian pastor and film critic, has selected 10 films dating back to the early 1990s that expose and explore the effects of structural racism.

Sisters win Presbyterian Writers Guild’s two top 2020 awards

When a worldwide pandemic upended plans for an in-person General Assembly, the Presbyterian Writers Guild had to postpone its biennial awards luncheon until 2022. But the two award-winners, Jane and Caroline Kurtz, were able to receive their awards this year, thanks to the U.S. Postal Service.

‘Look, and see our disgrace!’

While the book of Lamentations — with two verses from chapter 5 serving as the scriptural basis for the 224th General Assembly (2020) — there’s still hope, commissioners and others participating in the GA Bible study Wednesday evening learned.

Online worship is ‘not a show that you consume’

Social media is an engaging tool for talented extroverts like the Rev. Josh Kerr, who you can see making viral dance moves on TikTok or advising, “Don’t burp in your mask. Trust me,” on Facebook. Kerr, 37, amuses, educates and inspires people of all ages — even those who seek pastoral care and discernment. However, what is not fit for a stage, says Kerr, is worship.

Racial Justice Resources page now available online

“Racial Justice Resources,” what is for now a one-page list of resources to help bring about racial justice in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) and the wider world, is now available. Click here to view what’s currently offered. The list of resources will grow as more resources are developed.