
The theology of podcasting

During this week’s digital workshop for religious communicators on podcasting, the Rev. Stephanie Kendell said her theology as a podcaster can be summed up in eight words: “connect and build community in any way possible.”

Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) communicators garner Associated Church Press awards

Communicators with the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) — those who tell Presbyterians’ stories with words, photos, videos, public relations plans and podcasts — were rewarded for their work throughout 2020 on Thursday with recognition from the Associated Church Press during its online Best of the Church Press Awards.

Religion and spirituality both overlap and diverge

For more than a year now, businesses, schools, and places of worship have been closed because of COVID-19. With renewed hope from a vaccine that would allow the world to return to some type of normal, the world is slowly recovering and reopening. People are finding new ways to understand and inspire spirituality, especially as it relates to civic action and bridge-building.

Taking the Hygh road

When telling the church’s story, it helps to know one’s own faith story well enough to tell it succinctly and powerfully.

Walking the path of recovery with the psalms

On his first sober day, Jeff Dafler committed to reading the psalms, focusing on one each day to allow his mind time to turn over interesting phrases and words. As part of this process, he prayed for his Higher Power’s guidance and illumination. He savored the psalmists’ bracing honestly and identified with their feelings of fear, shame, loss, and regret.

A shot of hope

As we begin the second year of the COVID-19 pandemic, there are reasons for hope, including vaccines approved for emergency use authorization by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Yet even 95% efficacy for a vaccinated individual means that, statistically, 19 out of 20 people are effectively covered against becoming seriously ill from coronavirus, but 1 in 20 is not.