Christian Formation

Brief questionnaire seeks information from church educators

The Office of the General Assembly (OGA) wants to hear from all who are currently serving, have served, or have retired from service in the field of Christian education or Christian formation. The OGA has partnered with Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) Research Services to create a brief questionnaire to gather this information. The questionnaire should take about five minutes to complete.

Bundles of free books spur both gratitude and creative ways to share

“Thanks so much.” “I am so overwhelmed with gratitude.” “We are excited.” “This is wonderful news for our congregation.” These comments are from some of the leaders in more than 200 Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) churches and worshiping communities — each of them with 150 members or fewer — who recently received free book bundles (listed below) from the denomination.

‘Figuring out how we share the gospel in Chandler and the world’

Each Sunday for the past few weeks, the Rev. Robert Felix has been giving parishioners at Chandler Presbyterian Church in Chandler, Arizona, real answers to honest questions. The way he goes about providing those answers — producing a short film each week based on a top faith question identified on Google Trends, then discussing the film and the question together — has proven to be an effective and innovative platform for, as he says, “figuring out how we share the gospel in Chandler and the world.”

United with Christ — and thus with God

In the latest episode of Everyday God-talk, the host, the Rev. Dr. Barry Ensign-George, uses one of the key books of the Reformed tradition to explore how God’s work of healing in a broken world takes hold in our life.

‘You don’t have to do it alone’

When Jasmine Evans reads Scripture, she often imagines what the people who are not heard from in the story are thinking and feeling.

Free books support at-home faith formation for children

Free books to support at-home faith formation for children are now available for churches and worshiping communities in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) Each book listed below will support families and households with younger children at home in forming their faith together at home.