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- 1001 Accelerators
- 1001 Assessments
- 1001 New Worshiping Community Residency Program at Beacon
- 1001 New Worshiping Community Residency Program in Braddock, PA
- About 1001
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- Apprenticeship and Residency Program
- Nine month apprentices 2020-2021
- Residency Sites
- Residents
- Summer Apprentices
- The 1001 New Worshiping Community Residency – Hagar’s Community Residency
- The 1001 New Worshiping Community Residency – La Roca Centro de Capacitación
- The 1001 New Worshiping Community Residency – On the Way Church
- The 1001 New Worshiping Community Residency – Serious Juju
- The 1001 New Worshiping Community Residency – Shalom International Ministry
- The 1001 New Worshiping Community Residency – The Open Table KC
- The 1001 New Worshiping Community Residency – The Table
- Coaching
- Free Resources
- Lightshine Church Residency Program
- Living, Dying, Rising
- Meet our Apprentices and Residents
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- Mission Program Grants
- New Church New Way
- New Worshiping Community Immigrant Leader Support
- Our Team
- Part-Time Apprenticeship with 1001 New Worshiping Communities
- Summer and Year-Long Apprenticeships
- Sustaining Grace
- Sweaty Sheep Residency
- Ten-Week Apprenticeships in Los Angeles with 1001 New Worshiping Communities
- Wayfarer’s Chapel and the Presbytery of Pueblo (Colorado)
- Webinars
- About Compassion Peace & Justice
- Advisory Committee on Social Witness Policy (ACSWP)
- ACSWP Social Witness Policy by Topic
- Criminal Justice
- Current Work
- Democracy, Education and Personal Responsibility
- Drug Policy Reform Resources
- Ecology and Environmental Concerns
- Economic & Investment Witness
- Economic Justice, Globalization
- Ecumenical Core Affirmation
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- Healthcare, Homelessness and Inclusion
- History of ACSWP
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- Social Creed for the 21st Century
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- Violence
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- Educate a Child, Transform the World
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- Human Trafficking
- Issues
- Mental Health Ministry
- Office of Public Witness
- Presbyterian Disaster Assistance
- Presbyterian Hunger Program
- Celebrating Hunger Action Congregations
- Congregation Based Community Organizing
- Food Week of Action and World Food Day
- Hunger Program Descriptions
- International Development & Advocacy
- Meet Us
- National Hunger & Poverty
- PHP Response to Extreme Hunger and Famine
- Practice ‘Just Eating’
- Presbyterian Hunger Program Bible Study
- Tread Lightly for Lent – calendar archives
- Urban Ministry
- A Church and its Pastor Transformed
- Friday night Jazz in Southwest DC
- Grandview Church – Kansas City, MO
- Isaiah’s Table: Grace, Hope, Food for All
- La Mesa Presbyterian Church-Partnering with and serving our community
- North Presbyterian Church – Sharing space, sharing in ministry
- TPC—St. Louis—Summer Camp
- Become a Matthew 25 church
- Become a Matthew 25 group
- Become a Matthew 25 Presbytery or Synod
- Building Congregational Vitality
- Dismantling structural racism
- Eradicating systemic poverty
- Intersectional Priorities: Gender Justice & Heteropatriarchy
- Intersectional Priority: Climate Change
- Intersectional Priority: Militarism
- Join Matthew 25
- Matthew 25 church stories
- Matthew 25 congregations & mid councils
- Matthew 25 Eradicating Systemic Poverty: Act
- Matthew 25 Eradicating Systemic Poverty: Learn
- Matthew 25 Eradicating Systemic Poverty: Relate
- Matthew 25 Eradicating Systemic Poverty: Share
- Matthew 25 Eradicating Systemic Poverty: Worship
- Matthew 25 map
- Matthew 25 resources
- Matthew 25 Resources
- Matthew 25 selected resources
- Matthew 25 Worship Service
- Next Steps
- Partner With Presbyterian Mission today!
- Take an online Matthew 25 course
- The PC(USA) will be on PBS!
- Disability Concerns Consultants
- PHEWA Networks
- Presbyterian Association for Community Transformation
- Presbyterian Association of Specialized Pastoral Ministries
- Presbyterian Child Advocacy Network
- Presbyterian Criminal Justice Network
- Presbyterian Health Network
- Presbyterian HIV Network
- Presbyterian Serious Mental Illness Network
- Presbyterians Affirming Reproductive Options
- Presbyterians Against Domestic Violence Network
- Presbyterians for Disability Concerns
- Apply for a grant
- Community Workshop/Events Registration
- Coordinator’s Message
- COVID-19 Grant Application
- Criteria for Funding
- For Synods and Presbyteries
- Funded partnership grants
- Get involved with SDOP
- International Grants
- National Committee
- National Programs and Grants
- One Great Hour of Sharing
- Our funded partners (International)
- Intermediary partners
- Centro de Solidaridad Para el Desarrollo de la Mujer, Inc.(CE-MUJER)
- Centro Regional Ecumenico de Asesoria y Servicio (CREAS)
- Coordenadoria Ecumenica de Servico (CESE)
- Coptic Evangelical Organization for Social Services (CEOSS)
- Development Promotion Group (DPG)
- Presbyterian Church of Rwanda
- West Africa Initiative
- Intermediary partners
- Program Measures
- Reporting forms
- Required documents if funded
- SDOP committee member private resources (regional)
- SDOP committee member private resources-National
- SDOP Sunday – March 10, 2024
- Stories of Impact
- Why we do what we do
- #236180 (no title)
- A Future with Hope: A Travel Study Seminar to the Republic of Cuba
- A Matter of Faith: A Presby Podcast
- A Sowing of Peace
- Adult Bible Study
- An invitation to stand in solidarity with Ukraine
- Becoming a Peace Church
- Confronting Militarism
- Connecting the Dots Webinar Series
- Gun Violence Policies, Studies and Resources
- International Peacemakers
- International Peacemakers
- Korea Peace Appeal
- Life in All Its Fullness: Human Rights
- Lithuania: Healing the Legacies of War and Oppression
- Living Out the Commitment to Peacemaking
- Making the Commitment to Peacemaking
- Mosaic of Peace Conference
- Peace Discernment
- Peacemaking Action Alerts
- Presbyterian Peacemaking Program Information on Iraq
- Resources
- Season of Peace
- Standing Our Holy Ground
- Travel Study Seminars
- Central America Travel Study Seminar
- Guatemala and Costa Rica Peacemaking Travel Study
- Madagascar Peacemaking Travel Study
- Native Lands of the Southwest
- Peacemaking Travel Study Seminar in Ukraine & Russia
- Peacemaking Travel Study Seminar-Reconciliation Work in Rwanda
- Peacemaking Travel Study Seminar-The Conflict in Korea
- Philippines and Hong Kong Travel Study Seminar
- Puerto Rico Travel Study Seminar
- The U.S. Southern Border Travel Study Seminar
- African American Intercultural Congregational Support
- African Intercultural Ministries
- All Women in the Church
- Asian Intercultural Congregational Support
- Congregational Directory Form
- Director’s Message
- Gender, Racial and Intercultural Justice
- Hispanic/Latino-a Intercultural Congregational Support
- Individual Directory Form
- Korean Intercultural Congregational Support
- Leadership Development for Leaders of Color
- Middle Eastern Intercultural Ministries
- Native American Intercultural Congregational Support
- Racial Equity & New Immigrant Intercultural Ministries Directories
- Racial Equity Torch
- Women of Faith Awards Nomination Form
- 1001 New Worshiping Communities Residency at the Labyrinth Café in New Orleans
- 1001 NWC Residency at the Freedom Church of the Poor
- Advent Devotionals for Pastors and Churches
- Camp and Retreat Sunday
- Conversaciones Teológicas
- Evangelism
- Financial Aid for Service
- Office of Christian Formation
- @Church – The Card Game
- Around the Table Resources
- Bending the Moral Arc
- Christian Formation News
- Christian Formation Week
- College and Young Adult Sunday
- Disability Inclusion Toolkit
- Faith Formation Leader Connection
- Faith Practices Toolkit
- Intergenerational Formation
- Intergenerational Mission
- Mr. Rogers Day Resources
- Partner Associations
- QuickSheets and Resources
- Why Presbyterians are Like That
- Older Adult Week
- Older Adults
- Presbyterian Men
- Rethinking Evangelism
- The Scattered Church
- Theological Conversations
- Theological Education
- VCI 2023 Lent Devotional & Soup Supper
- Vital Congregations
- 신학적 대화
- Eastern Europe Partnership Network (EEPN) Toolkit
- Eastern Europe Partnership Network Toolkit: Engage
- EEPN Toolkit: Connect
- EEPN Toolkit: Learn
- EEPN Toolkit: Worship Resources
- Jinishian Memorial Program
- 2015 Annual Report (Jinishian Memorial Program)
- A season of freedom in Armenia
- Artisanal Basturma start-up expands from hometown to city supermarkets
- Be part of a miracle in Syria
- Breaking the cycle of poverty for girls in Lebanon
- Bringing Hope to the Elderly
- Bringing light to the darkness of domestic abuse in Armenia
- Discover Armenia Mission Tour
- Donors
- Early intervention for autism is a critical need in Artsakh
- For one Syrian young man, ‘life is full of hope’
- Growing tech talent for a thriving Armenia
- History
- Holding a refugee family together in Lebanon
- Human rights start with kids
- Jinishian Jottings
- Making women’s wellness a priority in Lebanon
- Our work in Armenia
- Our work in Georgia
- Our work in the Middle East
- Praising God for the blessing of a home
- Read stories about Jinishian’s work
- Recovering Syrians give back
- Rose’s Song
- Striving for full restoration in Syria
- Supporting Armenian Christian minorities in the Middle East
- Syrian Christians choose hope
- The Road to Change
- Training a new generation of leaders
- What is the Jinishian Memorial Program?
- What We Do
- Who we are
- Yerevan reformer Davit Khajakyan got his start with Jinishian
- Youth Business Success Stories
- Mission Crossroads Magazine
- Mission Matters
- Mission Resources
- Mission Service Recruitment
- Short-term mission trips toolkit
- Call to Worship: Liturgy, Music, Preaching, and the Arts
- Christian and Citizen / Election Day
- Commemorate Reformation Sunday
- Extended Serving of the Communion of the Church
- Frequently asked questions
- Get the Daily Prayer app
- Interfaith Relations
- Just Worship: The Documentary
- Pastoral and Occasional Services
- Printable lectionary lists
- Resources and publications
- The Christian Year
- Advent
- All Saints’ Day
- Ascension of the Lord
- Ash Wednesday
- Baptism of the Lord
- Christ the King/Reign of Christ
- Day of Pentecost
- Epiphany
- Good Friday
- Maundy Thursday
- Nativity of the Lord/Christmas
- Passion/Palm Sunday
- Resurrection of the Lord/Easter
- Season of Easter
- The Christian Year Excerpt
- The Great Vigil of Easter
- The Lord’s Day
- The Three Days or Triduum
- Transfiguration of the Lord
- Trinity Sunday
- Worship resources for Lent
- The Church Calendar
- The Directory for Worship
- The Sacraments
- The Service for the Lord’s Day
- Affirmation of Faith
- Baptism or Invitation to Discipleship
- Blessing and Charge
- Breaking of the Bread
- Communion of the People
- Confession and Pardon
- Extended Serving of Communion
- Glory to God Hymnal Liturgy
- Great Thanksgiving
- Hymn, Psalm, or Spiritual Song
- Hymn, Psalm, or Spiritual Song
- Hymn, Psalm, or Spiritual Song
- Invitation to the Lord’s Table
- Lord’s Prayer
- Offering
- Opening Prayer
- Opening Sentences
- Prayer after Communion
- Prayer for Illumination
- Prayers of the People
- Scripture Readings
- Sermon
- The Peace
- The Word
- Worship Education Materials
- 2016-2018 YAVs
- Becoming a YAV site
- How do I apply?
- Invite Young Adults to Serve
- Join the YAV Alumni Network
- Meet Current YAVs
- Ailih Weeldreyer
- Alex Banning
- Allie Green
- Allison Blackwell
- Allison Sherman
- Amanda Kirkscey
- Andrea Peña
- Andrés Jacob Arteaga
- Andrew Avram
- Andy King
- Anna Bintinger
- Ashtyn Bratt
- Axel Arvizu
- Azing Chin
- Ben Evans
- Brendan Stump
- Brett Eisenhauer
- Brian Herald
- Brittany Heun
- Caitlin Camper
- Caroline Kothari
- Carson Smith
- Cassie Oliver
- Christina Hogan
- Christina Hogan
- Christina Solis
- Claire Kim
- Clara Hare-Grogg
- Clint Mark C. Ugsang
- Dakota Kohfield
- David Ehlert
- David Sydnor
- Davis Howe
- Dawson Mims
- Deanna McDonnell
- Deb Rookey
- Destiny Marie Prinski
- Diana Rubi
- Diana Zafiro Olaza Aliano
- Drew Hill
- Eli Dunlap
- Elizabeth Corsig
- Ellie McDermott
- Emily Harden
- Emily Hicks
- Emily Osborn
- Emily Teerink
- Emily Teerink
- Emilyn Irigoin Vasquez
- Emma Carmichael
- Emma Johnston
- Emma Kate Lander
- Emma Maney
- Emma Teichert
- Emma Yoder
- Erica Dallas
- Erin Tolar
- Genevieve Soucek
- Geraldine Leon Torres
- Grace Fulda
- Haley Whitson
- Hallie Conrad
- Hannah Donoghue
- Hannah Nelson
- Hannah Nolen
- Hannah Singerline
- Harim Um
- Harrison Davis
- Heather Mansell
- Hedilberto Velasquez Duran
- Helen Richardson
- Helen Salita
- Isabella Ramos
- Jack Lentz
- Jamal Hyrams
- Jesus Guzmán Lara
- John Thomas “J.T.” Davis
- Jonathan Favors-Grimes
- Jordan Heinzel-Nelson
- Judy Fe Ancajas
- Julia Albor
- Julia Burkley
- Juliana Bernier
- Julie Woodson
- Kailen Soncksen
- Kalista Consol
- Kasey Kelly
- Kate Underwood
- Katherine Rivas Palma
- Katie Jenkins
- Katie Jenkins
- Kim North
- Kirei Salas
- Kori Robbins
- Kris Scharstein
- Kristina Meyer
- Kyra Chang
- Lane Green
- Langley Hoyt
- Laura Haney
- Lauren Hoak
- Leah Brooks
- Leah Pellett
- Leslie Josselyne Barreras Valenzuela
- Lily Rigler
- Lisett Cruz
- Logan Recob
- Lucy Ham
- Lucy McDermott
- Luke Kellett
- Madalyn Sailors
- Maddie Cox
- Maisha Palma
- Margaret Collins
- María Flores Calderon
- Martha Fulp-Eickstaedt
- Mary Moore Driggers
- Matthew Begley
- Meg Wilder
- Mellard Manogura
- Meredith Hammerslag
- Miguel Petrosky
- Mikyle Johnson
- Milagros Samillan Sanga
- Miranda Fry
- Mitchell Borgstadt
- Molly Brooks
- Molly Franklin
- Natalie Wardius
- Nate Burt
- Nathaniel Williams
- Noah Westfall
- Peter Compton
- Rachel Carpenter
- Rachel Eliser
- Rachel Joy Adams
- Rachel Palmiero
- Rebekah Woodburn
- Regi Jones
- Robert Mosley
- Ross Hartmans
- Ruth Boggs
- Ryan Mullennex
- Sadie Weldon
- Salvador Chang
- Sam Shin
- Samantha LeBlanc
- Sara Babcock
- Sarah Bleile
- Sarah Bleile
- Sarah Bridges
- Sarah Bridges
- Sarah Dixon
- Sarah Hall
- Sarah Potter
- Savannah Gold
- Sierra Mink
- Sophia Stone
- Sophie Schreiber
- Steffan Johnson
- Susannah Stubbs
- Tacoma Monroe
- Tanner Kohfield
- Teressa Cooper
- Thomas Schaufler
- Tim Schnell
- Tracy LaMar
- Trevor Merrifield
- Tristan Wall
- Victoria Alexander
- Yna Monteza Rodriguez
- Yuriko Beltran
- Yuriko Beltran
- Zakeyah Frazier
- Meet Previous YAVs
- Resources for Current YAVs
- Sites
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- Thank you
- What is the YAV Experience?
- YAV Alum Network
- YAV Email Newsletter Signup Form
- YAV Staff Information
Co-workers and Countries
Amanda Craft and Omar Chan: Mexico
Barbara Nagy: Malawi
Betsey and Eric Moe: Guatemala
Bill and Ann Moore: Japan
Bob and Kristi Rice: South Sudan
Cathy Chang and Juan Lopez: Philippines
César Carhuachín: Chile
Chenoa Stock: Peru
Cindy Corell: Haiti
Cobbie and Dessa Palm: Philippines
Dan and Elizabeth Turk: Madagascar
Don and Sook Choi: Indonesia
Dori Hjalmarson: Honduras
Doug and Elaine Baker: Northern Ireland
Doug Dicks: Israel/Palestine
Doug Tilton: South Africa
Eliane Menezes: Guatemala
Elisabeth Cook: Costa Rica
Ellen Smith: Germany
Elmarie Parker: Lebanon
Emily Seitz: Taiwan
Farsijana Adeney-Risakotta: Indonesia
Gary and Marlene Van Brocklin: Sri Lanka
Ingrid Reneau Walls: Ghana
Jed and Jenny Koball: Peru
Jeff and Christi Boyd: Democratic Republic of Congo
Jhanderys Dotel-Vellenga and Ian Vellenga: Nicaragua
Jim McGill: Niger
John Etheredge: Ghana
John McCall: Taiwan
Jose LaMont Jones: Democratic Republic of Congo
José Manuel Capella-Pratts and Vilmarie Cintrón-Olivieri:
Joseph Russ: El Salvador
Joshua Heikkila: Ghana
Karla Ann Koll: Costa Rica
Kate Taber: Israel/Palestine
Kristi Van Nostran: El Salvador
Kurt Esslinger and Hyeyoung Lee: South Korea
Larry and Inge Sthreshley: Democratic Republic of Congo
Leisa Wagstaff: South Sudan
Leslie Vogel: Guatemala
Mark Adams and Miriam Maldonado Escobar: Mexico
Mark Hare and Jenny Bent: Costa Rica
Michael and Rachel Ludwig: Niger
Myoung Ho Yang and Ji Yeon Yoo: Thailand
Myung Han and Jieun Kim Han: South Korea
Nadia Ayoub: Ukraine
Nancy McGaughey: South Sudan
Noah Park and Esther Shin: Egypt
Paula Cooper: Malawi
Ryan and Alethia White: Germany
Sarah Henken: Colombia
Sharon Kandel: South Sudan
Shelvis and Nancy Smith-Mather: South Sudan
Stephen and Brenda Stelle: Ethiopia
Test: United States of America
Thomas Goetz: Japan
Tracey King-Ortega: Nicaragua
Tyler Holm: Malawi
Unzu Lee: South Korea
Barbara Nagy: Malawi
Betsey and Eric Moe: Guatemala
Bill and Ann Moore: Japan
Bob and Kristi Rice: South Sudan
Cathy Chang and Juan Lopez: Philippines
César Carhuachín: Chile
Chenoa Stock: Peru
Cindy Corell: Haiti
Cobbie and Dessa Palm: Philippines
Dan and Elizabeth Turk: Madagascar
Don and Sook Choi: Indonesia
Dori Hjalmarson: Honduras
Doug and Elaine Baker: Northern Ireland
Doug Dicks: Israel/Palestine
Doug Tilton: South Africa
Eliane Menezes: Guatemala
Elisabeth Cook: Costa Rica
Ellen Smith: Germany
Elmarie Parker: Lebanon
Emily Seitz: Taiwan
Farsijana Adeney-Risakotta: Indonesia
Gary and Marlene Van Brocklin: Sri Lanka
Ingrid Reneau Walls: Ghana
Jed and Jenny Koball: Peru
Jeff and Christi Boyd: Democratic Republic of Congo
Jhanderys Dotel-Vellenga and Ian Vellenga: Nicaragua
Jim McGill: Niger
John Etheredge: Ghana
John McCall: Taiwan
Jose LaMont Jones: Democratic Republic of Congo
José Manuel Capella-Pratts and Vilmarie Cintrón-Olivieri:
Joseph Russ: El Salvador
Joshua Heikkila: Ghana
Karla Ann Koll: Costa Rica
Kate Taber: Israel/Palestine
Kristi Van Nostran: El Salvador
Kurt Esslinger and Hyeyoung Lee: South Korea
Larry and Inge Sthreshley: Democratic Republic of Congo
Leisa Wagstaff: South Sudan
Leslie Vogel: Guatemala
Mark Adams and Miriam Maldonado Escobar: Mexico
Mark Hare and Jenny Bent: Costa Rica
Michael and Rachel Ludwig: Niger
Myoung Ho Yang and Ji Yeon Yoo: Thailand
Myung Han and Jieun Kim Han: South Korea
Nadia Ayoub: Ukraine
Nancy McGaughey: South Sudan
Noah Park and Esther Shin: Egypt
Paula Cooper: Malawi
Ryan and Alethia White: Germany
Sarah Henken: Colombia
Sharon Kandel: South Sudan
Shelvis and Nancy Smith-Mather: South Sudan
Stephen and Brenda Stelle: Ethiopia
Test: United States of America
Thomas Goetz: Japan
Tracey King-Ortega: Nicaragua
Tyler Holm: Malawi
Unzu Lee: South Korea