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Resources in Reports and study guides
Highlights for 2002 — Why So Many Vacant Pulpits? A Look At The Numbers Ministers Ordained and Retiring in Each Year
Highlights for 2002 — Why So Many Vacant Pulpits? A Look At The Numbers Number of Ministers by Types of Call
Highlights for 2002 — Why So Many Vacant Pulpits? A Look At The Numbers Number of Total and Very Small Congregations without Pastors
Highlights for 2002 — Why So Many Vacant Pulpits? A Look At The Numbers Total Number and Number of Very Small Congregations
Highlights for 2002 — Why So Many Vacant Pulpits? A Look At The Numbers Number of Congregations, How They Are Served, Giving Information, and Worship Attendance by Church Membership Size… Read more »
Highlights for 2002 — Why So Many Vacant Pulpits? A Look At The Numbers Race/Ethnicity and Gender of PC(USA) Members, Elders, Deacons and Ministers — 2002
Highlights for 2002 — Why So Many Vacant Pulpits? A Look At The Numbers PC(USA) Synod and Presbytery Rankings Based on Per Member Validated Mission Expenditures — 2002
Highlights for 2002 — Why So Many Vacant Pulpits? A Look At The Numbers PC(USA) Congregational Expenditures — 2001-2002
Highlights for 2002 — Why So Many Vacant Pulpits? A Look At The Numbers PC(USA) Congregational Receipts — 2001-2002
Highlights for 2002 — Why So Many Vacant Pulpits? A Look At The Numbers PC(USA) Membership, Total Contributions, and Local Program and Local Mission Information By Synod and Presbytery —… Read more »