Resources in Reports and study guides

Comparative Statistics 2013

Comparative Statistics 2013 The Comparative Statistics report is published annually and summarizes data on membership, finances and ministers provided by each congregation to the Office of the General Assembly via the Session Annual… Read more »

Glory to God: What Song Shall We Sing?

During the 2015 Churchwide Gathering of Presbyterian Women, Deborah Lind-Schmitz led a workshop on the new PC(USA) hymnal, Glory to God. Use these presentation as a tour through the new… Read more »

Presbyterian Panel Report – Presbyterian Historical Society

Organized in 1852, the Presbyterian Historical Society (PHS) is the oldest denominational archive in the United States. It serves as the national archive for the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) and many predecessor denominations.

Research Services developed and fielded a survey of Presbyterians in the PC(USA) in order to evaluate how the Presbyterian Historical Society can better fulfill its mission to collect, preserve, and share the story of the American Presbyterian and Reformed experience.

National Racial Ethnic Task Force Report

A General Assembly committee met to  begin planning a conference on race, ethnicity, racism and ethnocentricity, as part of an action of the 221st General Assembly (2014). The conference will be held this fall 2015, and will be reported to the 222nd General Assembly (2016). 

Living as the Beloved Community: Cultural Competency

Biblical and theological basis for cultural competency

The call to live as a beloved community is rooted Biblically. Scripture consistently portrays God as recognizing the value and worth of human beings, affirming the inherent dignity of human beings, and calling human beings to recognize and honor the image of God in one another. When we go astray, God seeks to bring us back. God sends Jesus Christ to break down cultural barriers, affirm God’s love for all people, forgive our sin, reconcile us o God and one another, and invites us to new and abundant life. 

Worshiping Community Leaders Survey

Worshiping Community Leaders Survey

Across the PC(USA), new and varied forms of church are being raised up by leaders seeking to ignite discipleship and transformation. These new worshiping communities have the potential to help the PC(USA) shift from an inward-focused, membership-maintenance model of church to a more outward-focused, creative, and disciple-making model.

2014 Pentecost Offering Financials

The attached summary includes the estimated 40 percent retained by congregations for ministries with youth, young adults, and children at risk in their communities. It also includes gifts received through… Read more »