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Resources in Publications and periodicals
10 ideas for helping your youth engage with the people and places in your community.
Ideas for youth workers, educators, educational committees to support families of teens.
By Faith is an order of worship youth and youth leaders can use for a “Youth Sunday”. The text used in this Quicksheet was from August 18th, 2013 (lectionary text… Read more »
Ways to incorporate “back to school” rituals and activities into your youth ministry / congregational programs.
How to deal with, manage and incorporate cell phones, smart phones and personal technology into ministry with youth.
Fast, fun and truly helpful suggestions for creating care packages for your post high school/college age young people.
Creative studies of the parables used by Jesus; for youth and youth ministry.
A youth worker’s tools for choosing the right curriculum for your youth ministry programs.
Templates for forms, policies, permissions and general community safety in youth ministry.
Faithfully talking to youth, in the church, about sex.