Resources in Publications and periodicals
PHP Post Newsletters – Summer 2015 – Women: Agents of Change
Celebrating the Miracle
Celebrating the Miracle: Worship Resources for Addictions Awareness Services has been designed to be used as an order of service either for Sunday morning or a special evening service. Feel free to use all or any parts of this worship resource as appropriate for your congregation.
Addiction, Grace & Healing
Alcohol and Drug Awareness congregational resources.
This material can be used throughout the church. It is appropriate for all educational activities, Sunday school classes, workshops, study groups, women’s groups, and men’s groups. Suggested sermon themes, hymns and prayers are offered to help center a Service on Addiction Issues.
2015 Daily Horizons Issue 1
The Racial Ethnic Torch Spring 2015
PW and PMA relationship agreement
Ways to Involve Children and Youth in the Pentecost Offering
PHP Post Newsletters – Spring 2015- Breaking Chains
Engage the Gospel, Discipleship, Your Community and Church Shifts
Engage is about effective evangelism that is part of a disciple making church culture that emphasizes both the importance of social justice and faith sharing. It begins with the Jesus question, “who do you say that I am?”