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Resources in Liturgy and worship aids
A resource to aid in planning Youth in the World Sunday in your congregation.
When the local school district decided to transition from a five day school week to four, a Colorado congregation created a Youth Asset Club to serve young people with no… Read more »
After tragedy rocks a Wisconsin community, a local congregation steps up to ensure no more youth slip through the cracks.
A congregation in Alabama used their 40% of the Pentecost Offering to support pregnant women behind bars.
This Louisville congregation is using their 40% of the Pentecost Offering to help build dreams, one bed at a time.
A Virginia congregation uses their retained portion of the Pentecost Offering to send children of incarcerated parents to summer camp.
Through their 40% of the Pentecost Offering, a Jacksonville congregation supports an interfaith network which provides assistance to homeless families.
For over a decade, this New York congregation has supported the education of immigrant and refugee children with their 40% of the Pentecost Offering.
The 2019 Worship Resources include: Suggested Hymns Call to Worship Confession and Pardon Prayer for Illumination Suggested Readings Prayers of the People Invitation to Offering Prayer of Thanksgiving Charge and… Read more »
A sample sermon for use with Pentecost Offering materials. Written by Rev. Dave Brown, member of the Educate a Child Work Group and one of the authors of the 2010… Read more »