Resources in Youth

Quicksheet #32: Choosing Sunday School Curriculum

Choosing curriculum for Sunday School can be challenging, particularly when dealing with youth of all different ages. Here are one Youth Worker’s tools, shared with you!

Let My People Go Bible Study

“Let My People Go” is an excellent bible study written by Rebecca Barnes, Coordinator of the Presbyterian Hunger Program. This bible study invites a group of young people to examine… Read more »

Quicksheet #65: Noise: A Youth Led Worship

Quicksheets: Youth 65 Youth in the Church and the World SUNDAY is August 20th. Many people will celebrate “Youth Sunday” on August 20th – our new Quicksheet, Quicksheet #65 features… Read more »

2016 Pentecost Offering Video

The Pentecost Offering is devoted to ministries that support our young people during their “first third of life,” the time from childhood through young adulthood.

Mockingjay Study

A study of the Suzanne Collins book Mockingjay, the third book in the Hunger Games trilogy.