Resources in Theology Formation and Evangelism

Hosea: The Prophecy of a Husband Father

Male Issue:  What does it mean to be a husband and father? Questions:  How do men express love in the home?  How do men deal with others who do not live up to their expectations? How do men deal with unfaithfulness?

Jeremiah: the Story of a Man Caught in the Middle

Male Issue:  What do you do when you feel caught between the demands of faith and of the world? Questions:  What does it mean to have faith in the face of trouble?  What is hope?  What does it mean to be “God’s man”?

Isaiah: A Toolbox for Spiritual Growth

Male Issue:  How do men see God? Questions:  How do men envision God?  How do men develop their pictures of God? How do men understand themselves in light of their pictures of God?

Song of Solomon: A Lover’s Manual

Male Issue:  How do men understand themselves as sexual beings? Questions:  What does sex mean to the man of faith? What is the relationship between love and sex? What is the difference between men and women’s view of sex?

Job: the Story of a Man Confronting Adversity

Male Issue:  How do men deal with adversity? Questions:  How do men deal with the loss of position, wealth, children, spouse, etc.?  How do men choose their friends? How do men see God?

Form 2C – Report of Initial Consultation

In addition to formulating its recommendation to the presbytery to enroll the applicant as an Inquirer, the Committee on Preparation for Ministry should also establish goals for the first year… Read more »