Cuando usted dona a la Ofrenda de Pentecostés, usted está ayudando a proporcionar oportunidades para que los jóvenes crezcan y compartan su fe en Cristo.
On Celebrate the Gifts of Women Sunday, we are encouraged to live life with an “attitude of gratitude.” Though Celebrate the Gifts of Women Sunday is March 5, 2017, your… Read more »
There is an exciting movement happening across the world. God’s Spirit is stirring God’s people to do new things. In places that seem desolate and forgotten, God is doing a new thing. From Hawaii to Maine, God is stirring the church to reach new people, change lives, and transform communities. Our Reformed heritage demands that we pay attention to this movement.
La Iglesia Presbiteriana (EE. UU.), en sus decisiones recientes acerca de la ordenación y del matrimonio entre personas del mismo sexo, está tratando de trazar un camino hacia adelante que… Read more »