Resources in Domestic violence

Responding to domestice violence

Guidelines for pastors, rabbis, imams and other reliqious leaders What are the dos and don’ts in responding to victims and perpetrators? Knowing the basics provided in this tip sheet by… Read more »

Religious community checklist

The religious communities provide a safe haven for women and families in need. In addition, they exhort society to share compassion and comfort with those afflicted by the tragedy of… Read more »

Power and control wheel

This chart, originally developed by the Domestic Violence Intervention Project, Duluth, Minnesota, describes the methods that a perpetrator employs to dominate a victim.

Domestic violence call flowchart

If you receive an emergency call for help, this flow chart will help direct your conversation and help you to respond in appropriate ways.

Domestic violence safety suggestions

Safety of victims and their children is the number one goal for vulnerable persons and for those who are willing to help. Learn from domestic violence coalitions from around the… Read more »