Presbyterians from the United States, along with church partners in Madagascar, witness for peace in the island nation off the coast of the African continent.
The Peace & Global Witness Offering enables the church to promote the Peace of Christ by addressing systems of injustice beyond our doors, beyond our community, and beyond our borders.
World Communion Sunday is called Peace & Global Witness Offering Sunday in 2017. Worship resources include: Suggested Hymns Call to Worship Opening Prayer Confession and Pardon A Time with Children… Read more »
The Peace & Global Witness Offering sponsors visits by international peacemakers to congregations that are interested. Learn how these visits inspired one congregation
Since gaining its independence, South Sudan has been embroiled in a violent civil war that has deepened ethnic divides. Presbyterians are collaborating with church partners on a peace-building initiative.
This curriculum uses the imagery of a table of peace to connect the Presbyterian Giving Catalog with the Peace & Global Witness Offering for children in grades 5-8.