Conducted by the PC(USA) Research Services office, the U.S. Congregational Life Survey tallied responses from 40,000 worshipers in a national study of Presbyterian congregations. In the fall of 2008 and… Read more »
October 2010 Financial data from recent statistical reports indicate how the recession that began in late 2007 has affected giving by individuals and families to PC(USA) congregations.
Opinions on priorities for the GAMC; access to and use of the confessions;familiarity with and opinions about the Belhar Confession; views about Israel/Palestine and the rest of the Mideast.
Familiarity with and opinions about four goal areas of the GAC: evangelism and witness, justice and compassion, leadership and vocation, and spirituality and discipleship; preference for national or international mission.
Summary of findings from the November 2009 Presbyterian Panel Survey. Experience with schools; views on public education and educational policy issues; awareness of PC(USA) mission and ministries; factors influencing purchase… Read more »
Experience with schools; views on public education and educational policy issues; awareness of PC(USA) mission and ministries; factors influencing purchase decisions regarding study resources.