
Hazardous Waste, Race and the Environment (1995)

This policy concludes that poor communities and communities of color are bearing a disproportionate burden of the nation’s hazardous waste sites. Typically, local residents are unaware and rarely are involved… Read more »

Perceive the power! Webinar helpful links

Links and references from the Perceive the power! Webinar: articles, books and sites of interest related to recognizing, understanding and dealing with racial and social privilege.

Comparative Statistics 2003 – Table 14

Highlights for 2003 — Encouraging Figures Race-Ethnicity and Gender of PC(USA) Members, Elders, Deacons, Active Clergy, and Commissioned Lay Pastors

Comparative Statistics 2005 – Table 14

Highlights for 2005 — Plumbing The Heart of God’s People Race-Ethnicity and Gender of PC(USA) Members, Elders, Deacons, Active Clergy, and Commissioned Lay Pastors