
Resource Quick links from OGA

This is a resource list of quick links from the Office of General Assembly and Presbyterian Historical Society.

Quicksheets Index

Index of Quicksheets – contains titles and links to the resource.

Trauma Informed Ministry

Trauma informed pedagogy is not a packaged program or a step-by-step curriculum. Rather, it intentionally integrates the six principles of trauma-informed care into our educational ministries as we create and… Read more »

Stay Connected Screen Free

This is a quick listing of ministry ideas for churches to stay connected to their senior adults and involve members of all ages. All the ideas are screen free and… Read more »

Connecting with UKirk Collegiate Ministries

The UKirk Collegiate Ministries Association builds connections with colleges students at over 200 campuses. This resource provides ways for churches and faith communities to connect with the campus ministry leaders… Read more »

Connect, Enrich, Empower, Sustain

Membership with APCE (Association of Presbyterian Church Educators) includes access to resources, webinars, Cohorts, enews, support and so much more as shared in this resource.