Durante Pentecostés, celebramos que el Espíritu Santo ha abierto las puertas a la fe en Jesucristo. Así como muchos de nosotros fuimos nutridos en fe durante nuestra juventud, damos esta… Read more »
Across the United States, thousands of Presbyterians, including Kylie, can attest to the spiritual significance that Youth Triennium has had on their faith journey.
During Pentecost, we celebrate that the Holy Spirit has opened the doors to faith in Jesus Christ. Just as many of us were nurtured in faith during our youth, we… Read more »
This guide will walk you through effective ways to promote and celebrate the 2019 Pentecost Offering. But don’t feel limited! Your enthusiasm and creativity are invaluable to this cause.
Through our gifts to the Pentecost Offering we are sharing the greatest love of all—God’s love. And what better gift could we possibly give our children than the gift of… Read more »
During Pentecost, we celebrate that the Holy Spirit has opened the doors to faith in Jesus Christ. While serving as a Presbyterian Young Adult Volunteer, Cherokee Adams was changed in… Read more »
Rising TIDE, which stands for “Train Individuals to Develop and Excel,” is an after-school ministry of Covenant Presbyterian Church in Long Beach, California. The program serves children and youth from… Read more »
During Pentecost, we celebrate that the Holy Spirit has opened the doors to faith in Jesus Christ. Just as many of us were nurtured in faith during our youth, we… Read more »
A foundation of faith established during childhood through young adulthood helps ensure lifelong faith and service. When you give to the Pentecost Offering, you are helping to provide opportunities for… Read more »
Use the following images to promote the Pentecost Offering in your congregation. Click to view full-size image. When full-size image opens, right-click to save.