World Communion Sunday is called Peace & Global Witness Offering Sunday in 2017. Worship resources include: Suggested Hymns Call to Worship Opening Prayer Confession and Pardon A Time with Children… Read more »
Worship resources include: Call to Worship Prayers Hymns Confession Scripture Affirmation of Faith Dedication Invitation to the Lord’s Table Great Thanksgiving Blessing and Charge
Cuando usted dona a la Ofrenda de Pentecostés, usted está ayudando a proporcionar oportunidades para que los jóvenes crezcan y compartan su fe en Cristo.
Andy is among thousands of YAVs whose lives have been forever changed by their year of service. Through your gifts to the Pentecost Offering, you are helping to change lives… Read more »
At Parkway Presbyterian Church in Corpus Christi, Texas, worshipers on Pentecost Sunday are urged to seek a Spirit-filled common life that will permeate the congregation’s mission and ministries.