one great hour of sharing

Share Your Bread with the Hungry

Your gifts to One Great Hour of Sharing enable the Presbyterian Hunger Program to take action to alleviate hunger, care for creation, and address the system causes of poverty so… Read more »

Restore Streets to Live in

Your gifts to One Great Hour of Sharing enable Presbyterian Disaster Assistance to respond immediately after natural or human-caused disasters like the devastating hurricanes last year. Please give generously.

Loose the Bonds of Injustice

Your One Great Hour of Sharing gifts help the Presbyterian Committee on the Self-Development of People (SDOP) to partner with economically poor people in projects they present, control, own, and… Read more »

This is Church

The church is the Holy Spirit’s transforming power emanating into the world sharing the compassion, justice, love, and peace of Christ. Presbyterians join the movement of the Spirit into every… Read more »

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