
The Revelation to John: Strength for the Struggle

Male Issue:  What does it mean for men of faith to have strength and courage?Questions:  What does it mean to be strong in faith?  How can strength be used positively?  How does a confusing book, like Revelation, speak to men?

1st Thessalonians: a Seven-Session Bible Study for Men

Male Issue:  What does it mean to be a ‘Man of the Church’? Questions:  What codes do men buy into when they join a church?  What puts us off about the Church?  What is the ministry in which we share?

Ist Peter: a Home Away from Home

Male Issue:  What does it mean to men ‘to have a place to “belong”?’ Questions:  Where do Christian men belong?  What is the cost of discipleship?  How is Church a home for men?

Hebrews: An Open Door to God

Male Issue:  How do men avoid backsliding in their faith? Questions:  What does it mean to have direct access to God?  What is Christian Maturity?  What is a man’s path to faithfulness?

Ephesians: A Practical Application of the Christlike Life

Male Issue:  What is special about Christianity for men? Questions:  How does faith help men be better marriage partners and parents?  How doe faith help men deal with authority?  How does faith help men face evil?

Acts: The Acts of the Apostles

Male Issue:  What is male ‘spirituality’? Questions:  What does spirituality have to do with men?  What “acts” are asked of men of faith?  What does the Holy Spirit have to do with men’s lives?