general assembly
The Global Crisis for People Who Are LGBT and Their Families: A Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) Response
Presbyterians Do Mission in Partnership (English)
PMA Interim Executive Director PowerPoint for the General Assembly Presentation
Interim Executive Director, Tony De La Rosa’s presentation to the 222nd General Assembly (2016) on Sunday, June 19, 2016
Facing Racism: A Vision of the Intercultural Community Antiracism Study Guides
A Vision for Children and the Church: 1993 General Assembly policy
The Racial Ethnic Torch Summer 2014
Jinishian Jottings Spring 2014
In this issue: Presbyterians call for Armenian Genocide Recognition and Commemoration; Survivors in Syria have a legacy of faith; Carnegie Calian reflects on disclosing mistakes; At-risk teens in Lebanon find hope; High school debate team goes international; Jinishian brings smiles to children in Armenia