
Worshiping the Triune God

“Worshiping the Triune God” is a 2010 document of the World Communion of Reformed Churches that seeks to identify central things and primary principles for worship. The document is composed… Read more »

Justice and Peace Links—Words Matter

Words can hurt, words can heal, and words shape our realities, coloring the ways we experience the world. They are the tools we use to interpret our experiences, to relate… Read more »

Ecumenical Consensus on Meanings of Eucharist

An ecumenical description of Eucharist/Lord’s Supper/Communion. The Office of Theology and Worship has put together resources for a mini-course on worship that can be used for Commissioned Ruling Elder education,… Read more »

Strategies for living together as friends

Twenty-six people spent a week together at the Institute for Ecumenical and Cultural Research in Collegeville, Minnesota, in each of two summers (1999 and 2000), exploring living faithfully in the… Read more »

Getting Started in Interfaith Relations

Finding ourselves in faithful company

How have you become interested in interfaith relations? What drew your attention to the many religions of your neighbors?