
Building a Framework for Interfaith Work

A reflection by Rev. David Berry, associate pastor for missions at Second Presbyterian Church in Indianapolis. Part of the Christian-Muslim Relations mission toolkit.

Teaching Islam: It’s Personal

In his article, Reverend Dr. Whit Bodman, associate professor of comparative religion at Austin Seminary, details his knowledge of Islam and why he chooses to teach about the religion. A… Read more »

The More Silent Path

A reflection by Dan McNerney, Frontier Fellowship. Part of the Christian-Muslim Relations mission toolkit.

Building Relationships with Our Muslim Neighbors

A reflection by Rev. David B. Carver, First United Presbyterian Church of Crafton Heights in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Part of the Christian-Muslim Relations mission toolkit.

Bibliography: Vocation

Published books about call and vocation are plentiful. A list, although not exhaustive, is included here.

Growing In The Life of Christian Faith

There is a yearning among many members of the Presbyterian Church for a life of faith that is newer, fresher, and more vibrant. “Growing in the Life of Christian Faith”… Read more »