bible study

Ecclesiastes: The Book of Ecclesiastes: Singing the Blues

Male Issue:  How do men understand themselves as sexual beings? Questions:  What does sex mean to the man of faith? What is the relationship between love and sex? What is the difference between men and women’s view of sex?

Job: the Story of a Man Confronting Adversity

Male Issue:  How do men deal with adversity? Questions:  How do men deal with the loss of position, wealth, children, spouse, etc.?  How do men choose their friends? How do men see God?

Exodus: Seven Leadership Principes

Male Issue:  What makes a man a leader? Questions:  What characteristics mark the Christian leader?  How do men deal with challenges and problems?  What is the vision of men for the future?

Genesis: A Seven-Session Bible Study for Men

Male Issue:  What is a man’s relationship with God? Questions:  What does it mean to be a creation and to have dominion?  What does it mean to live in covenant with God and others?