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bible study
Male Issue: What does “freedom” mean?
Questions: How does Christ liberate men? How are men agents of liberation for others? What is required when there are no rules?
Male Issue: What is the place of men in the Church?
Questions: If the church is a team, what is the position and role of men? What are the rules we observe? What is victory and success in the church?
Male Issue: What is male ‘spirituality’?
Questions: What does spirituality have to do with men? What “acts” are asked of men of faith? What does the Holy Spirit have to do with men’s lives?
Male Issue: How do men encounter Jesus and how does Jesus encounter his men?
Questions: Who is Jesus to men? How do men meet and perceive the Christ? What is the meaning of discipleship?
Male Issue: What does it mean to be Christ’s man?
Questions: How are men called to deal with stress? How does faith equip men to move from ‘competition’ to building ‘capacity’? How do men serve as witnesses to resurrection?
Male Issue: What does Jesus mean to men?
Questions: Do men need a Messiah? What is ‘Good News’ to Men?
Male Issue: What does it mean to be a husband and father?
Questions: How do men express love in the home? How do men deal with others who do not live up to their expectations? How do men deal with unfaithfulness?
Male Issue: What do you do when you feel caught between the demands of faith and of the world?
Questions: What does it mean to have faith in the face of trouble? What is hope? What does it mean to be “God’s man”?
Male Issue: How do men see God?
Questions: How do men envision God? How do men develop their pictures of God? How do men understand themselves in light of their pictures of God?
Male Issue: How do men understand themselves as sexual beings?
Questions: What does sex mean to the man of faith? What is the relationship between love and sex? What is the difference between men and women’s view of sex?