A group of people at a church in Los Angeles started asking, “What if we started a church, like the one we attended in college, where we could take all of our friends?” Hearing their desire, church leaders help them create a new worshiping community in South Bay.
1001 Worshiping Communities | New Faith Presbyterian (video)
Reaching the Unchurched through Hospitality
See how scripture and the love of Jesus are transforming lives in a new worshiping community in the greater Greenwood, SC area.
1001 Worshiping Communities | El Buen Pastor (video)
Discover how a Presbyterian partnership in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, helps create one of the fastest growing new worshiping communities in the country.
1001 Worshiping Communities | Bare Bulb Coffee (video)
This just might be what church looks like: Discover what church looks like when a congregation in Warner Robins, Georgia, engages their community and drives their mission outside the walls of their church.