Men in the Mirror: Constructing and Applying a Christ-centered Masculinity to Interpersonal Relationships

13-session curriculum for use in addressing violence against women and girls

What does it mean to be a mature healthy man? In every society, males of all ages hear and internalize a variety of messages about the definition of, and “appropriate” expression of their masculinity. Some of these messages have very positive impacts on the development and sense of identity of males. Other internalized messages have destructive implications for a man’s well being and those with whom he shares relationships. Internalized messages of identity left unexamined, often create deeply ingrained patterns of relationship problems that men struggle with throughout their lives. The lack of a strong forum within the Christian Church designed to encourage men to explore together those qualities, values and practices which make for positive male relationship skills, actually contributes in its absence to the breakdown of healthy dynamics within families and towards significant others. By studying the dynamics exhibited in Jesus’ relationships with a variety of others in his lifetime, this 13-session curriculum entitled, “Men in the Mirror; Constructing and Applying a Christ-centered Masculinity to Interpersonal Relationships,” sets out to explore and address the values that impact men’s relationships giving them the opportunity to critique their own relationship skills and grow in their discipleship to Jesus Christ. This valuable resource was developed by the Rev. Dr. Kevin E. Frederick, Moderator of Presbyterians Against Domestic Violence Network (PADVN), a ministry network of the Presbyterian Health, Education & Welfare Association (PHEWA). Kevin serves as Pastor to the Waldensian Presbyterian Church of Valdese, North Carolina.  Read the story behind the curriculum