The Comparative Statistics report is published annually in the fall and summarizes data on membership, finances and ministers provided by each congregation to the Office of the General Assembly via the Session Annual Statistical Report. The report compares annual statistics to show trends in areas such as membership gains and losses, receipts and expenditures, and number of ministers.
See individual Comparative Statistics 2012 tables:
1. PC(USA) Congregations and Membership, 2001 to 2012
2. Distribution of PC(USA) Congregations by Membership Size and Synod, 2012
3. PC(USA) Membership by Region and State/Territory, 2012
4. Membership Gains and Losses of PC(USA) Synods and Presbyteries, 2012
5. Distribution of PC(USA) Congregations with One-Fifth or More Racial-Ethnic Membership by Synod, 2012
6-7. Fifteen Largest PC(USA) Congregations Based on Membership Size, 2012 | Descriptive Statistics for PC(USA) Ministers and Candidates, 2004 to 2012
8. PC(USA) Active Ministers by Call and Synod, 2012
9. Number and Percent of Active PC(USA) Ministers by Call and Gender, 2008 to 2012
10. PC(USA) Membership, Total Individual Contributions, and Expenditures for Local Program and Local Mission by Synod and Presbytery, 2011 and 2012
11-12. PC(USA) Congregational Receipts, 2011 and 2012; PC(USA) Congregational Expenditures, 2011 and 2012
13-14. PC(USA) Synod and Presbytery Rankings Based on Per Member Validated Mission Expenditures, 2012 | Race-Ethnicity and Gender of PC(USA) Members, Elders, Deacons, Active Ministers and Commissioned Lay Pastors, 2012
15. Number of Congregations, How They Are Served, Worship Attendance and Giving Information by Membership Size, 2012
16. Technical Information