1001 NWC Residency at Riverfront Church

PURPOSE: To provide ministry and entrepreneurial leadership at the new worshiping community of Riverfront Church in an ecumenical cooperative parish ministry with Grace Church. The 1001 Resident will support worship at Riverfront Church while helping launch our Kitchen Incubator and Café which is run by Riverfront Church and housed at Grace.

Together Riverfront & Grace Church are creating a space for food justice and ministry enterprise. Both believe that as the Church we must meet people’s physical needs first, and then their spiritual and emotional. Through food justice ministry we seek to bring new jobs and training alongside quality food, to create unique spaces of gathering as the Body of Christ. We seek to prioritize a Pastoral Resident from historically minoritized and/or marginalized groups, as this reflects the demographics of our West Center City neighborhood. While experience in the kitchen, café, business, or event planning industry is welcome and advantageous, we are also willing to provide for adequate training in these areas for the right candidate. We are looking for someone with an attitude of hospitality, heart for and giftedness in ministry, and a willingness to learn.

Residency Job Description

Learn more about us here

Application and more information

Contact for More Information:

Chelsea Spyres, Pastor of Riverfront

Sara Hayden, Director of Apprenticeships and Residencies, 1001