2022 Residency Sites


1001 New Worshiping Communities Residency

Program Description for Potential Residents

Each, year, 1001 offers multiple, year-long residency sites to emerging NWC leaders seeking to gain experience starting ministries from scratch through coaching, mentoring, and practical application in the methods of church planting.

The purpose of the 1001 NWC residency program is to give highly promising prospective NWC leaders the opportunity to be mentored by an experienced leader and faithful community as they prepare to lead their own NWC. The hope is that, through a one- or two-year experience serving and leading in one of these contexts, that the resident will pitch, pilot and launch a unique NWC.

Leaders selected by sites and 1001, around the country will serve for 12 months as they learn the trade and discern and develop their own identity as an NWC leader. The 1001 movement will contribute financially to each residency, and we ask each site to contribute/raise $5,000. 1001 will also cover the coaching and training costs for the supervisor and resident at each site.

Our hope is to continue to identify sites that value diversity, encourage faithful risk-taking and cultivate genuine excitement about fresh expressions of church. Let us know if you’d like to talk further – and please apply!

What is the difference between a residency and an apprenticeship?

Mainly, scope and time. A resident is typically full-time (or part-time, as mutually agreed upon) for 12 months and works directly at an NWC or similar site while they discern and work toward the community they are called to start. An apprentice is part-time and can be placed anywhere in the US and applies directly to 1001. It is not necessary for an apprentice to be at a site, although most are in the process of starting or discerning an NWC.

If you are currently leading an NWC and would like more support or are exploring a call to be a part of this movement, we encourage you to apply to one of our apprenticeship and residency programs for 2022-2023.  Regardless of the program, all accepted applicants receive:

  • the opportunity to start something new and coaching to help you do it.
  • one-on-one coaching from a mentor experienced in the inauguration of new ministries.
  • a 3.5-day national training with all residents and apprentices planned for summer 2022
  • training and discernment in new worshiping community work as a part of a diverse cohort of colleagues that meets weekly throughout the duration of the apprenticeship/residency. [ September – May on Thursdays from 12-1:30 pm EST]
  • a stipend of $3600 (nine-month apprenticeship) or $45,000 plus benefits (resident)
  • access to national leaders to help you navigate the dynamics and opportunities involved in starting ministries that are both contextual and transformational.

Applications for all program participants (prospective residents or apprentices) are due March 15. Applications for the Harbor Online Community residency are due Feb 15.

If you are interested in being part of a future apprenticeship group, we’d love to talk with you. If you have questions or want to talk this through, please email Director of Apprenticeships and Residencies for 1001, the Rev. Sara Hayden at sara.hayden@pcusa.org.

What are the major components of the apprenticeship?

  • Inaugurating a contextual and transformative new ministry from scratch
  • Participating in a cohort of peers and mentors for reflection, training, and discernment
  • One: one coaching every three weeks with an experienced NWC coach

How do residents connect with others in the movement?

All residents participate along with 9-month apprentices, meeting weekly with Sara via Zoom most Thursdays from 12-1:15 pm EST, September-May.

All apprentices and residents will participate in our 1001 NWC National Apprenticeship and Residency Training held during summer 2022 to gather, onboard and bond the cohort members of the various sites and to introduce them to practices, principles and community of the larger 1001 movement.

When can a resident start working?

A 1001 resident can start working anytime after the beginning of our summer training through September 2021. They continue for 12 months. We typically determine start date in consultation with the ideal candidate when we offer a position to someone. For recruitment purposes, prospective candidates should know that start-date is flexible within the constraints and wishes of the local site. No one can start before our summer national (online in 2022) training.

You can download a copy of the apprenticeship application at onethousandone.org/apprenticeships.

Our residency site applications will be available in late January, 2022, once the 2022-23 residency sites are finalized. Applications are due March 15 for most sites (Feb 15th for Harbor Online) and decisions are typically made by April 15.