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PC(USA) News and Current Events

Presbyterian Daily News Update
Breaking news and features on all things PC(USA) | Delivered daily
Breaking news and features on all things PC(USA) | Delivered daily

Presbyterian Weekly News Digest
All the stories we’ve covered during the previous week, delivered Wednesday to your inbox. | Delivered weekly
All the stories we’ve covered during the previous week, delivered Wednesday to your inbox. | Delivered weekly

Presbyterians Today
Be the first to read new stories and great ministry tips from the PC(USA)’s denominational magazine | Delivered monthly
Be the first to read new stories and great ministry tips from the PC(USA)’s denominational magazine | Delivered monthly

Matthew 25
Actively engaged in the world to build congregational vitality, dismantle structural racism and eradicate systemic poverty.
Actively engaged in the world to build congregational vitality, dismantle structural racism and eradicate systemic poverty.

Communicators Network
Trends and best practices for effective communications | Delivered bi-monthly
Trends and best practices for effective communications | Delivered bi-monthly
Mission and Disaster Response

Presbyterian World Mission
PC(USA) co-workers & partners share mission news. | Delivered bi-monthly
PC(USA) co-workers & partners share mission news. | Delivered bi-monthly

Presbyterian Disaster Assistance
Read about Presbyterian Disaster Assistance’s impact around the world | Delivered bi-annually
Read about Presbyterian Disaster Assistance’s impact around the world | Delivered bi-annually
Advocacy and Social Justice

Churchwide Special Offerings
Responding to God’s grace. Make an impact in the world! | Delivered quarterly
Responding to God’s grace. Make an impact in the world! | Delivered quarterly

Presbyterian Giving Catalog
Transform your passion to action through a variety of meaningful and impactful gifts. | Delivered monthly
Transform your passion to action through a variety of meaningful and impactful gifts. | Delivered monthly

Presbyterian Justice and Peace
A round-up of justice and peace ministries | Delivered bi-monthly
A round-up of justice and peace ministries | Delivered bi-monthly

Racial Equity & Women’s Intercultural Ministries News
Read about the church’s efforts to be diverse and inclusive. | Delivered monthly
Read about the church’s efforts to be diverse and inclusive. | Delivered monthly
Evangelism and Discipleship

Christian Formation Resources
Resources for essential Christian practices that can be followed by churches, in families, by individuals young and older, in communities, small groups, classrooms and retreats. | Delivered four times a year
Resources for essential Christian practices that can be followed by churches, in families, by individuals young and older, in communities, small groups, classrooms and retreats. | Delivered four times a year
Pastoral Resources and Education
Youth and Young Adults

Young Adult Volunteers
Updates for alumni, supporters and friends of YAV. | Delivered quarterly
Updates for alumni, supporters and friends of YAV. | Delivered quarterly