Sarah Dixon


Sarah Dixon, 2018-2019 YAV Support Sarah

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Hi my name is Sarah Dixon! I’m from Double Oak, Texas, which is a suburb of the Dallas area. I am 22 and am currently finishing up my Sociology Degree and Management Minor at Oklahoma State University, in Stillwater, Oklahoma. I have worked at different churches during my college years with Christian Education and Youth Ministry. I have also been involved for 2 years at Stillwater High School through Young Life. I have a passion for ministry and helping the least of these, as we are called to do in the Bible. I am passionate about loving others where they are, and talking to people who are different than me. Having only been to Denver twice in my life, I couldn’t be more excited to be a Young Adult Volunteer there this next year. With an open heart and open eyes, I’m ready to see what God will show me about others and myself this upcoming year.