Dawson Mims


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My name is Dawson Mims, I grew up in Asheville, North Carolina. I am studying architecture at Pratt Institute in Brooklyn but am not sure that architecture is my passion. I’m currently taking some time off from school and reevaluating what I want to be doing in the future. Inspired by Matthew 25: 31-40, “I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me,” I spent several months of earthquake relief in Nepal. After that experience I realized that I am most rewarded when I can use my skills and talents to help others who need help. Throughout my life I have always tried to explore the world and connect with people and cultures unlike my own. I love the Mark Twain quote that “Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness” This upcoming year I will be living in Los Angeles as a Young Adult Volunteer. I am sure working with the DOOR program will allow me a chance to serve, grow and “welcome the stranger” — and hopefully help me find a direction for my career and an affirmation of my faith.