Program or Partner
Presbytery of New York City
Program Description
New York City will offer YAV’s an experience in exceptional racial, ethnic, income and cultural diversity – both in the city itself and in our highly diverse presbytery. The whole world, in its blessed variety, is contained within our five boroughs. New York is densely urban in a way that few other American cities are, relying principally on mass transportation – realities that do not permit us to insulate ourselves from one another.
In a sense, the NYC YAV site would be both national and international. Volunteers will be exposed to our global diversity with intentional visits to very different parts of our city so that their experience of New York would not be confined to the area where they live or where they are placed for work.
For all our variety, we are a city “that works,” but also one still struggling mightily with issues and justice and reconciliation
Site Coordinator
Maureen Anderson
How do I apply?
LEARN MORE by selecting an option from the green bar above! Details on Intentional Community Living, YAV Blogs, Placement Opportunities & Requirements can be found.
Intentional Community Living
Volunteers will have a program specifically designed for both the transformative year they are committing to and the year they are returning from. Consequently, the program will be designed for both interpretation and application of experiences, recognizing the challenges of culture shock and re-integration.
Crafted into the living covenant will be the intentional support of the other volunteers, the site coordinator, mentors, and the board. Accessing the broad and specific gifts of our presbytery, insight and inspiration can be gleaned across the table from the young and old, the prophets and pastors, the professors and the social workers, the local and the immigrant, etc.
Throughout the year, volunteers will be shepherded through a process of vocational discernment and faith in conversation. Pastoral care and worship will also be present.
Young Adult Volunteers (YAV) is a service and leadership development program through the World Mission division of the PC(USA). Young adults serve for one year in the U.S. or internationally, in areas such as fair trade or environmental issues, and have the opportunity to experience Christianity in a new culture. YAVs are between ages 19 and 30. Check out the YAV program blog here.

Anna Bintinger
Ross Hartmans
Christina Hogan
Trevor Merrifield
Jonathan Favors-Grimes
Kori Robbins
Carson Smith
Simon Doong
Maura Drewry
Patrick Long
Leif Frymire
Mindy Vande Brake
Placement Opportunities
Potentials placements include:
- Working with New York City’s largest community-based food pantry. The service is designed to meet the needs of our families by providing culturally-appropriate and nutritiously-balanced food. The overall goal of the program is to serve as a bridge back to health, well-being and self-sufficiency for our homeless and hungry clients.
- Working with the Presbyterian Ministry to the UN, as it serves within the NGO community at the United Nations. This will involve interaction with representatives of other NGOs, Presbyterians who attend events at the Presbyterian Ministry at the United Nations, and representatives of UN programs and agencies working with a dynamic and novel program that is supporting grandparents raising grandchildren in the South Bronx.
The 4 volunteers will be sharing an apartment in Manhattan’s Morningside Heights. The location is at the crossroads of several neighborhoods, easily accessible by public transportation to all the boroughs, yet steps from Riverside Park on the Hudson River.
We believe YAVs will come with skills and experiences in cross-cultural situations, an enthusiasm for service, a faithfulness to endure heartbreak, a spirit to thrive in a vast, diverse metropolitan site, a commitment to simple living, a desire to live in Christian community, a willingness to share their vision with New Yorkers, an openness to challenge and a love for all God’s children.