Invitation to the Lord’s Table


Through the waters of baptism, we are born into Christ’s family. That family is nourished and sustained at this table. Though we are baptized but once, in the Lord’s Supper we reaffirm our commitment to Christ, and God renews us with grace. If the Words of Institution are used at the invitation to the table, they are not repeated during the eucharistic prayer or at the breaking of the bread.

This is the joyful feast of the people of God!
According to Luke,
when our risen Lord was at table with his disciples,
he took bread, blessed and broke it,
and gave it to them.
Then their eyes were opened
and they recognized him.
This is the Lord’s table.
Our Savior invites those who trust him
to share the feast which he has prepared.

Notes adapted from Supplemental Liturgical Resource 1 (WJKP, 1984).

Excerpt from Worshiping God Together: A Guide for Children and Their Parents:

Jesus shared many meals with his followers — feeding hungry crowds with a little bread and fish, gathering with his disciples to remember how God saved the people, and breaking bread with them after he rose from the dead. The Lord’s Supper is a meal that we share today with Jesus and with the whole church throughout the world.

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The minister or one presiding shall invite the people to the Lord’s Table using suitable words from Scripture. (W-2.4011) If the words of institution (1 Cor. 11:23–26, or Gospel parallels) will not be spoken at the breaking of bread or included in the prayer of thanksgiving, they are to be said as part of the invitation.

Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) Book of Order, W-3.3612

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