New Eucharistic Prayers

New Eucharistic Prayers

The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) Directory for Worship offers the following outline for the church’s Great Thanksgiving, or eucharistic prayer:

The one presiding is to lead the people in the prayer,

  1. thanking God for creation and providence, for covenant history, and for seasonal blessings, with an acclamation of praise;
  2. remembering God’s acts of salvation in Jesus Christ: his birth, life, death, resurrection, and promise of coming, and institution of the Supper (if not otherwise spoken), together with an acclamation of faith;
  3. calling upon the Holy Spirit to draw the people into the presence of the risen Christ so that they
    1. may be fed,
    2. may be joined in the communion of saints to all God’s people and to the risen Christ, and
    3. may be sent to serve as faithful disciples; followed by an ascription of praise to the triune God,and
  4. the Lord’s Prayer.

Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) Book of Order, W-3.3613

This collection of new eucharistic prayers seeks to offer a variety of models for praying the Great Thanksgiving, with an emphasis on brevity, biblical imagery, and fresh language. Three kinds of eucharistic prayers are provided: prayers for general use, lectionary based prayers, and prayers for other occasions. All are available free of charge for congregational use; for permission to reprint, contact the Office of Theology and Worship.

Prayers for General Use

Prayers for Other Occasions