Short term mission toolkit: Connect

National contacts

Equipping for Mission Involvement (EMI) is the Presbyterian World Mission program that provides resources for short-term mission trip planning and leadership. We hope the resources in this toolkit help you and your mission partners join together to see yourselves with new eyes as, together, you cross cultural and spiritual borders. When you return home, we hope this toolkit will help you discover new ways to continue the growth you experienced on your trip.

EMI staff contacts (Call 800-728-7228 and add the extension provided below):

International contacts

Mission co-workers serving as partnership facilitators

Interested in planning an international mission trip, but don’t know where to start? Want to establish a long-term mission partnership, but would like some guidance? Many of our mission co-workers serve as partnership facilitators, helping to connect U.S. Presbyterians with global partners and sites around the world. They may be able to help you as you begin this mission journey!

Where applicable, we’ve included partner site information for your convenience.

Africa | Asia | Europe and Central Asia | Latin America and the Caribbean | Middle East



Cameroon, Democratic Republic of Congo, and Equatorial Guinea

Contact: Jeff Boyd —
Ministry focus: Partnership
Read about Jeff’s ministry

Ethiopia, South Sudan, and Sudan

Contact: Sharon Kandel —
Ministry focus: Partnership
Read about Sharon’s ministry

Ghana, Niger, Nigeria and Togo

Contact: Josh Heikkila —
Ministry focus: Partnership
Read about Josh’s ministry

Lesotho, Madagascar, Mozambique, South Africa, and Zimbabwe

Contact: Doug Tilton —
Ministry focus: Partnership
Read about Doug’s ministry

Malawi, Kenya, Rwanda, and Zambia

Contact: Paula Cooper —
Ministry focus: Partnership
Read about Paula’s ministry

Partner site highlight: CCAP Zambia Education Department
Minimum number in group: 10
Maximum number in group: 15
Minimum age required for volunteer: 15 years old
CCAP Zambia Education Department personnel are experienced in all aspects of arranging a work trip, including local transportation, meals and accommodations. Many school construction sites are in rural areas. Groups will be assisted by CCAP Zambia Education Department personnel to establish a “campsite” at the construction location — perhaps using existing school structures for sleeping areas and dining areas. Cooking will be done outside. A cook, cooking equipment and food supplies can be provided by the CCAP Zambia Department of Education. Work will be done with assistance from people in the local community. There will be opportunities for Bible studies and worship with community members, for arranging children’s programs, for cultural exchanges, and for evening campfires with singing and story-telling. CCAP Zambia Department of Education personnel will work with group leaders before the trip to define the objectives of the trip, the scope of work and the level of accommodation the group desires.


The Philippines

Contact: Cathy Chang and Juan Lopez —
Ministry focus: Addressing issues of migration and human trafficking
Read about Cathy and Juan’s ministry

Contact: Cobbie and Dessa Palm —
Ministry focus: Mission facilitator, evangelism, advocacy
Read about Cobbie and Dessa’s ministry

South Korea

Contact: Kurt Esslinger and Hyeyoung Lee —
Ministry focus: Young Adult Volunteer (YAV) program
Read about Kurt and Hyeyoung’s ministry


Contact: John McCall —
Ministry focus: Partnership
Read about John’s ministry

Contact: Jonathan and Emily Seitz — 
Ministry focus: Partnership
Read about Jonathan and Emily’s ministry


Central and Eastern Europe

Contact: Ellen Smith —
Ministry focus: Partnership
Read about Ellen’s ministry


Colombia and Venezuela

Contact: Sarah Henken —
Ministry Focus: Partnership
Read about Sarah’s ministry

Costa Rica

Contact: Karla Koll —
Ministry Focus:
Read about Karla’s ministry


Partner site highlight: The Protestant Center for Pastoral Studies in Central America (CEDEPCA)
Contact:  Nancy Carrera –
Minimum number in group: 7
Maximum number in group: 35 suggested, but negotiable
Minimum age required for volunteer: 14 years old preferred
CEDEPCA is an educational institution that contributes to the transformation of lives and contexts by providing training and accompaniment, and by offering spaces for reflection to women and men from diverse Christian traditions, communities and contexts. Intercultural Encounters is a program that designs and facilitates experiences of encounter, reflection, dialogue and mutual service between people of the United States and Canada with Central American communities in search of a more just, tolerant and equitable world.


Contact: Cindy Corell —
Ministry focus: Joining Hands Against Hunger
Read about Cindy’s ministry


Contact: Dori Hjalmarson —
Ministry focus: Partnership
Read about Dori’s ministry

Mexico-U.S. Border

Contact: Leslie Vogel —
Ministry focus: Partnership
Read more about Leslie’s ministry

Contact: Mark Adams and Miriam Maldonado Escobar —
Ministry focus: Frontera de Cristo
Read more about Mark and Miriam’s ministry

Partner site highlight: Frontera de Cristo (Border Ministry)
Contact: Mark Adams and Miriam Maldonado Escobar, mission co-workers serving at the U.S.-Mexico border
Minimum number in group: 1
Maximum number in group: 14
Minimum age required for volunteer: Frontera de Cristo can adapt an itinerary that meets the needs of delegations with members of various ages. They have had families with children, high school students and senior citizens visit their border ministry.
Adult/minor ratio in groups: For youth groups, one leader (or adult) is required for every four youth. Children under the age of 13 must be accompanied by a parent, guardian or adult relative.
Description: Frontera de Cristo engages in several broad areas of ministry such as mission education, family and health ministry, and church and community development. A great deal of energy and prayer is directed toward leading mission delegations across borders to build relationships and understanding and to witness to the power of the gospel to tear down walls that divide humankind. Mission teams come to be in mutual mission with their Mexican brothers and sisters, sharing their gifts and talents as well as receiving.


Contact:  Jhanderys Dotel-Vellenga and Ian Vellenga —
Ministry focus: Partnership
Read about Jhanderys’ and Ian’s ministry

Partner site highlight: CEPAD (Council of Protestant Churches of Nicaragua)
Contact: Jhanderys Dotel-Vellenga and Ian Vellenga, mission co-workers serving in Nicaragua
Minimum number in group: 7
Maximum number in group: 18 with some exceptions (larger groups from universities or medical staff)
Minimum age required for volunteer: 13 years old (accompanied by one of the parents or another adult previously assigned by the parents (pastor or team leader)). Occasionally, minors aged 10 years old accompanied by their parents have been part of a group.
Adult/minor ratio in groups: 7 to 10 members no more than 1 minor. Bigger groups can have between 2 and 3 minors.
Description: CEPAD provides faith-based training to people in rural Nicaraguan villages through programs in leadership training, sustainable agricultural practices and economic development so they can break the cycle of hunger and poverty to support themselves and their families. CEPAD offers groups of individuals the opportunity to come to Nicaragua and experience first-hand the country’s life and work. Groups visit rural communities, learn about Nicaraguan history and politics, learn about sustainable development, and see how CEPAD helps people living in poverty. CEPAD will tailor a group’s time based on the specific interests of your group.


Contact: Chenoa Stock —
Ministry Focus: Partnership
Read about Chenoa’s ministry

Contact: Jed Koball —     
Ministry focus: Partnership
Read more about Jed’s ministry

Partner site highlight: Red Uniendo Manos Peru
Website: Red Uniendo Manos Peru Facebook page
Contact: Jed Koball, mission co-worker serving in Peru
Minimum number in group: 12
Maximum number in group: 16
Minimum age required for volunteer: 16 (14 if a parent is also traveling)
Adult/minor ratio in groups: Aim for 1:1 ratio but are open to 2:1 or 1:2.
Description: Red Uniendo Manos Peru is an ecumenical network of faith-based NGOs and churches operating throughout Peru, generating local and global solidarity in support of justice movements of marginalized communities and for the care of the one common home we share – Earth


Middle East

Contact: Elmarie Parker —
Ministry focus: Partnership
Read about Elmarie’s ministry

Contact: Doug Dicks —
Ministry focus: Partnership and education for justice and peace in Israel and Palestine
Read about Doug’s ministry