Mission Committee toolkit: Worship

  • Creative ways to bring mission into worship service
    • Host a mission co-worker. Mission co-workers are available to speak to your congregation. Invite a speaker for Mission Worker Sunday in May, World Communion Sunday in October and other special days.  Call 800-728-7228, ext. 5075 or email mission.live@pcusa.org.
    • World Wide Worship Kit. Encounter God through music, prayers and sermons from Asia and the Pacific, Europe, the Middle East, Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean. Connect virtually with mission co-workers and global partners and join the world in worship.
  • Sunday School resources


  • Devotional guide template for use during a mission trip
    You may customize this Word document, which was created in partnership with staff at Sequoyah Hills Presbyterian Church in Knoxville, Tennessee.

Liturgical resources