Mission Partnership


Resources for Partnership

“Called as Partners: Serving Together in God’s Mission” International Partnership Manual

Presbyterians yearn to join in partnership with the global church, coming together as one body in Christ. It is in the spirit of partnership with our brothers and sisters in other places that the PC(USA), through an action of the 212th General Assembly in 2000, encouraged congregations, presbyteries, synods and other church bodies to “do mission in partnership.” Presbyterian World Mission’s international partnership manual helps Presbyterians better understand “mission in partnership” and provides advice for establishing and maintaining a mission partnership.

Presbyterians Do Mission in Partnership (English)
The practice of partnership guides our whole connectional church. It guides us individually as members, officers and pastors. It guides us collectively as congregations, presbyteries, synods, General Assembly ministries and related institutions. This document paraphrases a policy statement adopted by the 215th General Assembly (2003) regarding mission in partnership.

Los presbiterianos hacemos misión en hermanamiento
La práctica del hermanamiento guía a toda nuestra iglesia conexional. Nos guía individualmente como miembros, líderes y pastores. Nos guía colectivamente en nuestras congregaciones, presbiterios, sínodos, ministerios de la Asamblea General, e instituciones vinculadas. Este documento parafrasea una declaración de política adoptada por la 215a Asamblea General (2003) sobre la misión en hermanamiento.

협력하며 협력하며 장로교인 (Presbyterians Do Mission in Partnership statement in Korean)

How to build faithful mission partnerships: A guide for pastors

Purchase Called As Partners in Christ’s Service

Using a study of the Gospel of John as a framework, former mission co-worker Sherron George affirms the theological and historical basis for doing mission in partnership. Set up in eight brief chapters, this book can be used by all Reformed Christians engaged in mission with God and others. This theological and practical tool for all who engage in reinventing partnership in mission for the 21st century is ideal for study groups.

Tools for trip leaders 

Purchase Sister Churches: American Congregations and Their Partners Abroad

Janel Kragt Bakker explores the history, dynamics, challenges and opportunities of church-to-church partnerships between the global  North and the global South.

Best Practices for Mission Partnerships

Based on a framework provided by the Kenya Mission Network and the Presbyterian Church of East Africa

Our Partners, Our Friends: from Lake Erie to Ghana

A video exemplifying partnership of the Evangelical Presbyterian Church of Ghana and Lake Erie Presbytery.