Early intervention for autism is a critical need in Artsakh


Story by Cara Taylor

Autism is on the rise worldwide, yet it is significantly underdiagnosed where awareness and health services are lacking. For Armenians in Nagorno-Karabakh, where human rights are threatened and instability looms, special needs families also battle the Soviet stigmas that often segregated those with disabilities.

In 2018, the new Autism Center in Stepanakert found so much need that the specialized school filled to capacity and can only provide therapy for each identified child for four months of the year. There is an opportunity to support this critical project now to make sure every child has a place year-round.

Today we know that children on the autism spectrum who are diagnosed early can benefit greatly from intervention and often have gifted minds. With therapy, behavior improves, and families can enjoy life together. Children can grow up contributing to society rather than marginalized. But without help, parents feel isolated, guilty and overwhelmed by their children’s daily needs.

For just $150, you can make it possible for a child in need to attend school all year with no interruptions.

At the Autism Center at Carolyn Cox Rehabilitation Centre, parents know their children are safe. Professional therapists keep pace with developing research, and kids are thriving. Parents have room to breathe and receive coaching on methods to help their high-needs children with the many challenges at home.

Vartan Jinishian saw the need of his people and realized he could do something about it. Today the Jinishian Memorial Program is on the front lines supporting Armenian communities throughout the Middle East and Armenia. We’re upending the roots of poverty, building up farms, businesses, health and faith. Our local teams see this impact every day, sharing God’s love and bringing real solutions for 70,000 people a year including the children benefiting from the transformative work being done at the Autism Center in Nagorno-Karabakh.

Consider making a special gift to the Autism Center today. Give securely online to support the Jinishian Memorial Program.

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From poverty and despair to self-sufficiency and hope! For Armenian communities living with poverty who see no way out, your involvement in the work of the Jinishian Memorial Program empowers them with a chance at a different life.